In a society that is increasingly globalized, but at the same time more inclined to individual enterprise efforts, it is important to highlight the role of associations as a coordinating element between the two main areas that come together in the companies day-to-day: the public and the private. Associations are the engines that, properly greased, make the equation work.
The area of sustainability is no stranger to the above and it is important that at this time in which it seeks to give a boost to the sustainable culinary product, one of the main actors of this commitment to the environment and people such as the hospitality establishments, become aware of the importance of working together to try to achieve the goals and objectives set.
From this point of view, the mission of any Association will always be to try to identify opportunities that can be used by its members. It is, of course, in the hands of the different member groups, and in our specific case in the catering establishments identified with a sustainable gastronomy, which the Association that represents them, has the capacity and the necessary resources to support them in their endeavour.